I’m Isa, photographer, quilter and mum of 2 beautiful girls, 2 dogs and a pony – and wife to my amazing husband. For now though, the mum part is my main job (that and trying to somehow keep on top of housework, organising and laundry, all whilst trying to keep dog hair from getting in to every part of my universe!)
I am a “lazy” housewife. I do NOT like tidying, cleaning or clearing up in general. I am also somewhat of a hoarder! I hope that as I pursue my quest for a clean, tidy and organised home, I might keep you entertained, and maybe even give you some ideas along the way. If you are like me, it’s all about the solidarity! Let’s stick together, motivate each other and make it work!!!
I really look forward to reading any comments and/or suggestions you may have – and if you have any amazing tips or tricks, please do share!
Along with this “blog” I would also like to share my quilting and photography with the world, so I do hope you find something you like here in the crazy of my world!
Isa xx